Irregularity Dot Communique is one of that rare breed of web sites that were sites before there was a web upon which to be sited. Our irregular history begins way back in 1987 with the publication of The Student Voice. Written for an habitually captive audience of North Rose-Wolcott High School students, The Student Voice served as an alternative student paper even before an official student paper existed. Sometimes we railed against the little injustices of local high school life and sometimes we were just silly, but we were always committed to the path of irregularity
As we left NRW High and sent our little old selves off to college, we found more and more people of like minds and the pen of irregularity fell silent. When surrounded by others of irregular ilk, the irregular becomes regular and loses its appeal. After hearing story after story from classmates about how they were different, we became downright indifferent to our own indifference.
All apathy must end, however, and after we graduated our apathy came to a wailing halt (we find that with a little WD-40, most screeching halts can be avoided). Out of the creative isolation of the post-collegiate world, Irregular Jonathan Speaks was born. One of the first ezines to be created, Irregular Jonathan Speaks can still be found prowling about on the web, generally up to no good.
Out of irregularity comes diffusion, and out of diffusion comes the compulsion to refuse. Irregularity Dot Communique is a synthesis between this refusion compulsion and the diffusion of irregularity, redefining Dot Com as a hybrid of the commercial, community and communication. Dot Communique transcends domain names, grabbing the shadowy nooks and crannies of the web without declairing itself for $150.00 per year. We communicate first, and hope that the rest will follow.
Old World pundits say that the frontier days are over, but we at Irregularity Dot Communique see frontiers with no ends. The true frontier is not in e-brand positioning or domain name trafficking. The frontier of the internet is the frontier of the mind. The frontier is irregularity. Long live the frontier!
Read our epinions of our schools:
Grinnell College
Oberlin College
The University of Arizona
The University of Memphis
Irregular Jonathan Speaks
Irregular Books
The Irregular Garden
The Irregular Baby - Parenting on the edge of the ordinary
The Gall - a journal of irregular verse
Irregular Cities - Local guides with a peculiar perspective
Irregular People - Personal homepages that go beyond all understanding
Irregular Epinions - Irregular views on the stuff you use
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