At its heart, Chattanooga is a city of weekday motion. No parking is allowed from Monday to Friday, and on Saturday and Sunday no one bothers to come. The city fathers have put a tax on staying still.
In the middle of a circle of new cathedrals, an old spring bursts through brick, nurturing a sacred grove of fruit trees. Ascetics engaging in civil disobediance against the laws of the city of locomotion prostrate themselves at this shrine as newcomers bend to the water, anoint their foreheads, and hold themselves in still contemplation of internal transitions.
Above, the clouds are thin, but they never go away. The only way to get from there to here is to walk toward a third destination.
The City of Chattanooga's Big Blank Home Page
Irregular Chattanooga Links ORGANIZATIONS
- Art in Transit
- Chattanooga InterTribal Association
- CHUGALUG Chattanoogan users of Unix, Linux and GNU
- Chattanooga Environmental Education Alliance
- Chattanooga Nature Center
- Chattanooga Hiking Club
- Electric Transit Vehicle Institute
- Friends of Moccasin Bend National Park
- Friends of North Chickamauga Creek
- Naked Pretzel Ultimate Frisbee
- Sierra Club:
Nashville's Cherokee Group
Are any Cherokees part of this group>
- Sustainable Chattanooga
- The Chattanooga Institute - sustainability for local businesses
Read Turn Left's Profile of Chattanooga
as an Unfriendly Place
- Chattanooga Times - Chattanooga Free Press
- The Chattanoogan.Com
- Ooh, there's a name you can trust!
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Chattanooga, Tennessee
Memphis, Tennessee
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